Tag: definition of free thinker

  • 7 Signs You Are A Free Thinker

    7 Signs You Are A Free Thinker

    Perhaps you wonder what a free thinker even is. Well, look no further: free-think-er: “a person who rejects accepted opinions, especially those concerning religious belief. Synonyms: nonconformist, individualist, independent, maverick” –  Oxford University Press Are We “Sheeple?” Do you remember those cliques from high school? Most of us were part of one – and then…

  • 7 Signs You’re an Awakened Soul

    7 Signs You’re an Awakened Soul

    Those who have awakened their souls from the shackles of society have also been referred to as “spiritually awake”. This group represents an ever-growing segment of our society; they’re the game-changers, the rebels, the dreamers, the doers, and the people that see past the veil that’s been put over our eyes for far too long.…