Tag: deja vu

  • 10 Signs of an Old Soul Never to Ignore

    10 Signs of an Old Soul Never to Ignore

    Some folks aren’t comfortable in their skin, as they feel missing. Maybe you’re a person who longs to be in another place in time. These are two of the first signs of an old soul that nobody should ignore. Could it be that you recall a former life? Or are you too sensitive and overactive…

  • 15 Signs of Deja Vu Never to Ignore

    15 Signs of Deja Vu Never to Ignore

    Every day, your senses provide cues to your brain to remember past experiences, good or bad. What if you suddenly relive events that you know never happened? If you’ve experienced deja vu, you know how curious and unsettling it can be. The term is French for “already seen.” However, this eerie sensation has nothing to…

  • If You’ve Ever Had Deja Vu, Here’s What It Means

    If You’ve Ever Had Deja Vu, Here’s What It Means

    You’ve probably experienced dĂ©jĂ  vu at least a few times in your life and wondered, “What just happened to me?” DĂ©jĂ  Vu’s meaning comes from the phrase “already seen” in French, and occurs when we feel like a person, place, or thing is familiar to us without actually having experienced them before. This strange phenomenon…