Tag: depression signs

  • 8 Behaviors That Reveal Someone Has Mild Depression

    8 Behaviors That Reveal Someone Has Mild Depression

    If you have mild depression, you may not recognize the signs immediately. Often, people with low-grade depression, or dysthymia, brush off feelings of hopelessness or fatigue. They may attribute minor depression to a particular event, such as a divorce, job loss, or other distressing situation. However, depression isn’t a passing mood but a serious condition…

  • 12 Signs of Depression in Men to Never Ignore

    12 Signs of Depression in Men to Never Ignore

    Men and women sometimes show different signs of depression. Men tend to mask their emotions, while women express them more freely. It leads to men going undiagnosed but knowing what to watch for can help you recognize someone who is depressed. Men sometimes develop unhealthy coping methods when experiencing depression. These coping techniques are often…

  • 12 Depression Signs You Should Never Ignore  

    12 Depression Signs You Should Never Ignore  

    Depression is a silent killer, an epidemic that is tragically sweeping across America which 17.3 million American adults are diagnosed with – over 7% of the American population. It’s also more than just an individual disorder: It is a leading cause of disability worldwide and costs the U.S. economy more than $100 billion every year.…

  • 5 Warning Signs of Depression

    5 Warning Signs of Depression

    Depression is a term often thrown about when we’re feeling down – when things aren’t going according to plan. Using depression to describe a mood that is fleeting isn’t an accurate description of the disease that, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), affects over 350 million people globally. “Sadness is an emotion, whereas depression…