Tag: dna

  • Science Reveals 6 Foods That Nourish Your DNA

    Science Reveals 6 Foods That Nourish Your DNA

    If you’re not already familiar with DNA strands and how they contribute to your overall health, this article might interest you. Also known as deoxyribonucleic acid, DNA is a molecule that contains the instructions needed for organisms to develop, function, grow, and reproduce. In short, DNA is what makes individuals distinctly different from one another.…

  • Here’s How Your Thoughts Affect Your DNA

    Here’s How Your Thoughts Affect Your DNA

    We already know that our brain can affect our health in many ways, but now scientists believe that our thoughts can change our DNA. Thinking stressful thoughts is possibly shortening your lifespan, and researchers can measure that through changes in your DNA. Certain vital pieces of your DNA tell your body whether that cancer risk…

  • This ONE Thing Will Help You Live Longer

    This ONE Thing Will Help You Live Longer

    What if you could do one thing right now to help yourself live longer? Well, you can, and it’s definitely worth learning about. As our scientific knowledge grows, we learn more and more about our DNA, what it is capable of, and how we have more control over our lifespan than we knew was possible…

  • You May Have Extraterrestrial DNA. Here’s Why…

    You May Have Extraterrestrial DNA. Here’s Why…

    Although it sounds impossible, it might just be that you are the genetic descendant of extraterrestrials who passed on their DNA to you. Your ancient alien ancestors may have encoded information about their dying species into your DNA, hoping that life would go on. The idea is more than just science fiction, it is actual…