Tag: dry brushing

  • 10 Ways to Detox Your Body

    10 Ways to Detox Your Body

    When you detox your body, you remove harmful toxins from the body. Toxins can come from various sources, including the food you eat, the air you breathe, and the products you use. In addition, they can build up in your body over time. So, they can contribute to various health problems, such as fatigue, headaches,…

  • 7 Reasons to Try Dry Brushing

    7 Reasons to Try Dry Brushing

    The skin is indeed a large organ, covering about 20 square feet of the average person. Our skin is the body’s largest organ, and one that performs vital (often unknown) functions. For example, the skin is among the most nerve-dense parts of the body; constantly interacting with the brain and making adjustments to protect you…