Tag: egotistical people

  • Psychology Explains Egotism (And How to Humble The Ego)

    Psychology Explains Egotism (And How to Humble The Ego)

    Have you ever met someone who has a hard dose of egotism? These folks have a larger-than-life view of themselves, and they come across as arrogant and rude. Some people say that arrogant people have a disease that affects everyone around them, except it doesn’t seem to infect them. You’ll know when you’re in the…

  • 6 Behaviors That Create Egotistical People

    6 Behaviors That Create Egotistical People

    Egotists are generally considered those who have an insatiable desire to demonstrate their own self-importance. Egotism is the opposite of humility. Whether or not this attitude is warranted is irrelevant; although most times it is not. Boastfulness is not an admirable trait, regardless of one’s status in life. Egotists apparently didn’t get the memo. “Conceited,”…