Tag: evening hair care

  • How to Make Chemical-Free Shampoo at Home (3 Recipes)

    How to Make Chemical-Free Shampoo at Home (3 Recipes)

    Did you know most store-bought shampoo contains harmful, toxic ingredients? Added fragrances and preservatives can disrupt the endocrine system and even lead to reproductive damage. Of course, the models in shampoo commercials with gorgeous, shiny hair may convince you to buy these products. But hair care advertisements fail to address the dangers of store-bought shampoo.…

  • 5 Evening Habits That Are Bad For Your Hair

    5 Evening Habits That Are Bad For Your Hair

    Many individuals take pride in their hair. It’s not uncommon for someone to have a comprehensive hair care routine in order to keep it healthy and feeling fresh. Unfortunately, not all of these routines are made equal, and sometimes the habits we build to care for our hair could have the opposite effect entirely. Here…