Tag: farts

  • 15 Food Intolerance Signs Never to Ignore

    15 Food Intolerance Signs Never to Ignore

    Do you or one of your family members suffer from a food intolerance? Food allergies and intolerances have become quite commonplace these days. The outwards signs of a food allergy are nothing more than your immune system, putting up a defense. Your body views the food as harmful rather than nourishing. Your system kicks into…

  • 20 Surprising Things That Cause People To Fart

    20 Surprising Things That Cause People To Fart

    Fart, toot, flatulence, or a bit of wind. No matter what you call it, it’s embarrassing when foul-smelling gas slips out in public. Some people wonder why this happens. So, what are 20 things that cause you to fart? When a large amount of gas is in our stomach or intestines, you get bloated and…

  • 7 Amazing Health Benefits of Farting

    7 Amazing Health Benefits of Farting

    Society today is rapt with acceptable and unacceptable social behaviors. Most people will not point and stare at someone for farting, for example, as it is considered rude. Same goes for spitting, littering, yelling or otherwise acting uncouth in public. Then, there is flatulence, what is most commonly referred to as farting. The majority of…