Tag: feelings

  • 10 Warning Signs of Emotional Burnout

    10 Warning Signs of Emotional Burnout

    Anyone is prone to emotional burnout, whether it’s your career, homelife, relationships, or caregiving for a loved one. Sometimes, the process is so gradual that you don’t realize it. You may consider burning out as a weakness or failure on your part, but it’s nothing of the sort. These things often happen because you’ve been…

  • Psychologist Explains 5 Skills To Be More Assertive

    Psychologist Explains 5 Skills To Be More Assertive

    Many people wish to become more assertive but don’t know where to start. Assertiveness involves stating your feelings and needs in a kind yet firm manner. It also means standing up for yourself and not tolerating disrespect. Assertive people manage to find the right balance between timidity and aggressiveness. Self-assured people don’t shout or bark…

  • 12 Behaviors That Reveal an Emotional Eater

    12 Behaviors That Reveal an Emotional Eater

    Do you follow a healthy diet or seek validation through emotional eating? Many people have silenced their inner voice with a chocolate cupcake. How do you know if your emotions control your diet and affect your health? An article published by the Cleveland Clinic states that your emotions drive at least 75 percent of your…

  • 12 Signs Your Love Interest Has Emotional Literacy

    12 Signs Your Love Interest Has Emotional Literacy

    You know your new love interest is brilliant, but do they also have a high emotional literacy? Cultivating a strong relationship that will last depends on both personal aspects. While a person’s IQ may be simple to quantify, measuring the intangible qualities of their emotional literacy or emotional intelligence isn’t as easy. How would you…

  • 12 Signs You’re Making an Emotional Decision

    12 Signs You’re Making an Emotional Decision

    Decision-making is an unavoidable part of life. It’s natural to become emotionally invested and feel sentimental reactions toward things, but you’ll regret letting it impact your decision. By identifying the signs you’re making an emotional decision, you can learn to avoid the mistake. Decisions are everywhere, from what you eat or where you shop to…

  • 15 Ways to Overcome Emotional Immaturity

    15 Ways to Overcome Emotional Immaturity

    When you can handle challenging situations positively, it shows emotional maturity. Your level of emotional maturity determines how you react in unpleasant and unexpected situations. Maturity results in positive reactions, whereas emotional immaturity causes negative behavior that negatively affects relationships. Emotional immaturity can manifest in several ways, including being unable to understand the feelings of…