Tag: flow

  • How Mindset Shifts Can Increase Your Productivity

    How Mindset Shifts Can Increase Your Productivity

    When it comes to mindset shifts for productivity, much of the advice you come across focuses on tactical habits, valuable exercises, and powerful affirmations. This is all fine. But to focus on this first would be like baking a cake before you crack any eggs. Improved productivity, as with most things, is a process. You…

  • 7 Techniques to Find Your Flow State

    7 Techniques to Find Your Flow State

    A flow state describes a mental state of complete immersion in an activity or task. Being in the flow allows you to perform tasks fluidly and without resistance. High-performing athletes, musicians, and creative writers effortlessly reach this state of elevated concentration often. To get “in the flow,” you must have a deep passion and love…

  • 8 Ways the Universe Reveals Your Life Purpose

    8 Ways the Universe Reveals Your Life Purpose

    Have you ever gazed into the heavens filled with stars at night and wondered why you’re here? If so, you’re in good company. Finding life’s purpose was probably one of humanity’s first questions that still begs an answer. Does your life have purpose and meaning, or is it a random bleep on the Universal radar?…