Tag: food toxic to kidneys

  • 11 Signs Your Body Needs a Kidney Flush

    11 Signs Your Body Needs a Kidney Flush

    Avoid kidney disease by knowing these symptoms. Recognizing the signs that your body needs a kidney flush can help you take proactive steps to support kidney health and promote detoxification. A kidney flush requires eating and drinking specific foods and drinks that promote toxin elimination. But you must start by knowing the earliest signs of…

  • 5 Foods That Are Toxic for Your Kidneys

    5 Foods That Are Toxic for Your Kidneys

    Your kidneys are powerhouses that filter waste out of your body. Without them, your blood would become overloaded with toxins. Luckily, they’re hardy organs and very efficient, so much so that people can live with only one working kidney. If they’re always in a weakened state, however, you can become at risk for conditions like…