Tag: foods for inflammation

  • 6 Foods That Relieve Joint Inflammation

    6 Foods That Relieve Joint Inflammation

    Eating well is an excellent anti-inflammatory strategy and one in high demand. Joint inflammation can occur due to several conditions, including inflammatory arthritis, lupus, and injuries. Joints may become swollen and painful as the immune system releases chemicals to fight infection or irritants. It may impact just one joint or cause swelling throughout the body,…

  • 10 Natural Remedies for Wrist and Hand Pain

    10 Natural Remedies for Wrist and Hand Pain

    Think of all the things your hands do in a single day. They’ve served you faithfully since the day you were born and often get neglected and overworked. Is it any wonder that you have wrist and hand pain? Perhaps you work on a computer all day.  Or maybe you work with hand tools all…

  • 12 Foods That Relieve Pain and Inflammation

    12 Foods That Relieve Pain and Inflammation

    Whenever our body senses something “foreign” – a chemical or toxin, for example – the immune system becomes active. As a result, it triggers an inflammatory response. These internal processes serve one purpose: to ensure your survival. But they can go astray. Inflammation becomes a problem when it persists. That is, your body releases anti-inflammatory…