Tag: foods that trigger migraines

  • 12 Home Remedies To Treat Migraine Permanently

    12 Home Remedies To Treat Migraine Permanently

    The Migraine Research Foundation has determined that migraine is among the most common conditions across the globe. They can affect both children and adults. This is not merely a severe headache. A migraine is a neurological condition that consists of symptoms that include nausea, numbness in hands and feet, sensitivity to sound, light, or smell,…

  • 5 Foods That Trigger Migraine Headaches

    5 Foods That Trigger Migraine Headaches

    If you suffer from regular migraines, you might already have a list of causes you take precautions against. But migraine headaches can be caused by different factors – even foods. Different types of food can be known to trigger migraines due to the makeup of the food. Sometimes, even food that is often encouraged for…