Tag: foods

  • 10 Top Foods With the Most Calcium

    10 Top Foods With the Most Calcium

    What is calcium? Calcium is our body’s most abundant mineral. Critical to bone health, calcium constitutes around two percent of our total body weight. While calcium performs numerous functions in the body, the most important pertains to bone health. You can think of bones kind of like your calcium “checking account.” In other words, they…

  • 10 Foods to Never Eat Before Exercise

    10 Foods to Never Eat Before Exercise

    It’s important to know what kind of foods we should eat before exercise. But we’re always hearing about what we should be eating, and what we should not be eating. Let’s back up a bit first and quickly recap the various functions of primary food nutrients. Protein: Enables physical growth; develops and repairs muscles and…

  • 10 Foods People With Inflammation Should Never Eat

    10 Foods People With Inflammation Should Never Eat

    As we’ve repeatedly discussed, inflammation is not a bad thing; without an inflammatory response, healing from even the least-threatening wounds would not be possible. Chronic (long-term) inflammation is not a good thing, however. Monsour Mohamadzadeh, Ph.D., and director of the Center for Inflammation and Mucosal Immunology at the University of Florida explains the difference: “In…

  • 5 Toxic Foods To Avoid Giving Your Kids

    5 Toxic Foods To Avoid Giving Your Kids

    It’s no secret by now that most of the foods sitting on store shelves is unhealthy. Canned fruit – something we’d think would be healthy – is saturated with corn syrup; breakfast cereals are loaded with sugar; milk is infused with chemicals – and so on. We all know the importance of a well-balanced, nutritious…

  • 7 Foods That Are Aging You Too Quickly

    7 Foods That Are Aging You Too Quickly

    According to a report by Transparency Market Research, the anti-aging market in the U.S. is projected to be worth $191.7 billion by 2019. People will obviously pay a high price to keep their skin youthful and radiant, but they often don’t consider that their food choices can make all the difference between dull and glowing skin.…

  • 15 Foods That Look Like The Body Part They’re Good For

    15 Foods That Look Like The Body Part They’re Good For

    Have you ever watched children play with their food? Their imaginations turn broccoli into a tiny forest of trees. Well, give yourself permission to imagine that the food that you eat is actually good for the body parts that it resembles, because in many cases, it is. Nourish yourself with this list of 15 tasty…