Tag: gaslighter wants to control you

  • 15 Ways to Spot an Undercover Gaslighter

    15 Ways to Spot an Undercover Gaslighter

    Identify gaslighting behaviors and learn how to stop them. Imagine swimming in the open ocean. The waves push against you, a strong current, making every stroke feel like a battle. On the shore, someone throws you a lifeline, shouts directions, and tries to guide you to safety. But the current is so strong, the water…

  • 17 Phrases Gaslighters Use to Control People

    17 Phrases Gaslighters Use to Control People

    Gaslighting is one of the most damaging behaviors in an unhealthy relationship. It occurs when a gaslighter manipulates your mindset, feelings, and well-being. This situation is highly detrimental and can cause long-lasting issues even if you move on from the gaslighter. A manipulator will minimize your feelings, make you doubt your perceptions and experiences, and…