Tag: gluten intolerance

  • 15 Food Intolerance Signs Never to Ignore

    15 Food Intolerance Signs Never to Ignore

    Do you or one of your family members suffer from a food intolerance? Food allergies and intolerances have become quite commonplace these days. The outwards signs of a food allergy are nothing more than your immune system, putting up a defense. Your body views the food as harmful rather than nourishing. Your system kicks into…

  • Pediatricians Discover a Promising Way to Reduce Celiac Disease in Kids

    Pediatricians Discover a Promising Way to Reduce Celiac Disease in Kids

    You’ve probably heard people talk about gluten-free diets at some point. Some people swear it’s the safest way to eat. For some people, this is true. People who have celiac disease have bad reactions when they eat foods that contain gluten. Some people may not be aware that they have the condition because it can…

  • 10 Signs of Gluten Intolerance Most People Ignore

    10 Signs of Gluten Intolerance Most People Ignore

    Approximately 3.1 million people in the U.S. follow a gluten-free diet, even though 72% fall into a category called “PWAGs” – people without celiac disease avoiding gluten. Over the past five years, the number of people on a gluten-free diet has skyrocketed due to marketing campaigns and health concerns. However, the prevalence of gluten intolerance…

  • 5 Ways to Flush Gluten Out Of Your Body

    5 Ways to Flush Gluten Out Of Your Body

    Individuals with celiac disease, a hereditary autoimmune condition that affects 3 million Americans, or roughly 1 percent of the population, must avoid gluten. – U.S. News and World Report The chances are that you have heard all of the hoopla surrounding this “gluten,” but are unsure about what the hubbub is all about. Well, let’s…

  • How to Tell If You Should Stop Eating Gluten

    How to Tell If You Should Stop Eating Gluten

    A gluten-free diet is beneficial to some people, but not everyone needs to follow it. However, if you think that you might have gluten sensitivity, there are some signs and symptoms that you can watch for. Gluten is a protein found in wheat, barley, and rye. Those who are sensitive to gluten in their systems…

  • 8 Signs You Have A Gluten Intolerance

    8 Signs You Have A Gluten Intolerance

    Are you struggling with a gluten intolerance? It is quite common for people to experience digestive and health problems from eating wheat or gluten. Gluten intolerance can result in several symptoms found primarily in wheat, barley, and rye. Wheat is a type of grain that you will often find in bread, cereals, and pasta. Less-common…