Tag: grains

  • FDA Suggests Updates to Healthy Claims by Food Manufacturers

    FDA Suggests Updates to Healthy Claims by Food Manufacturers

    Every time you go grocery shopping, you see more food items advertised as “healthy,” but do you read the nutrition labels yourself? If you’re like most people, you assume it’s good for you and add it to your cart. However, the criterion for claiming something is healthy food is outdated, and the FDA wants to…

  • 20 Fiber-rich Foods That Improve Gut Health

    20 Fiber-rich Foods That Improve Gut Health

    Everyone is concerned about getting enough protein and healthy fats that fiber often pales in comparison. However, it’s time that it gets the attention it richly deserves. Fiber-rich foods are essential because they’re a type of carb that your body cannot digest, so it doesn’t turn to sugar. Instead, it goes through the digestion process…

  • 5 Signs You May Want To Stop Eating Bread Immediately

    5 Signs You May Want To Stop Eating Bread Immediately

    Most bread is unhealthy for various reasons, but the way the product is processed is a significant factor. Years ago, bread was predominantly created using whole ingredients and prepared in a homemade style with a sourdough culture that took days to prepare. Now, bread is heavily processed and contains far fewer natural ingredients and probiotics…