Tag: gut healthy

  • Doctors Explain the Gut-Brain Axis and How It Improves Health

    Doctors Explain the Gut-Brain Axis and How It Improves Health

    Our bodies are intricate communication networks, with countless messages sent back and forth every second. Indeed, it might be the most fascinating biological health dialogue: the conversation between our gut and brain, otherwise known as the gut-brain axis. This article isn’t just about butterflies in your stomach when you’re nervous or comfort eating when you’re…

  • 10 Probiotics Every Woman Needs

    10 Probiotics Every Woman Needs

    Are you ready for a shocking fact? We humans carry more bacterial cells in our body than human cells. This concentration of bacterial cells to human cells is especially pronounced in the digestive tract or gut. Enter probiotics. Probiotics are microorganisms (bacteria) that your body needs for optimum health. Probiotics constitute the “good bacteria,” “healthy…