Tag: how to declutter

  • Psychology Explains How Too Much Clutter Holds You Back

    Psychology Explains How Too Much Clutter Holds You Back

    If you find comfort in obtaining items, you could be holding yourself back. Collecting items might seem like a sign of doing well, or it could be a sentimental habit. Either way, you’ll be surprised to learn that too much clutter interferes with your life. As you fill your home with items you enjoy, it…

  • 10 Ways to Organize Your Mind

    10 Ways to Organize Your Mind

    Your brain is a tremendous organ. Indeed, it is able to collect and organize the information that even the world’s most advanced supercomputer cannot. Your brain has roughly 100 trillion neural connections (synapses) that constantly relay information to other parts of the brain and body. Most scientists agree that the human brain is the most…