Tag: how to stop complaining

  • 12 Reasons to Avoid Venting To People

    12 Reasons to Avoid Venting To People

    Do you vent to others? Here’s why you should stop. We often encounter moments where we feel frustration, anger, and disappointment. It’s natural to want to vent or share these feelings with others – it’s human nature. But venting to people around us might not always be the best approach.Ā  This content will explore twelve…

  • Psychology Reveals How to Let Go of Pettiness

    Psychology Reveals How to Let Go of Pettiness

    Pettiness is one of these behaviors that are neither evil nor good. You canā€™t say that pettiness is inherently wrong, but some people use it for bad reasons. People can feel like being petty in many situations, mainly when they canā€™t express their anger or disappointment. On the surface, it seems like it doesnā€™t do…

  • Can You Go 24 Hours Without Complaining? Here’s How. . .

    Can You Go 24 Hours Without Complaining? Here’s How. . .

    The definition of the word ā€œcomplainā€ and relative forms (complaining, complainable, complainer, etc.) according to dictionary.com is: ā€œto express dissatisfaction, pain, uneasiness, censure, resentment, or griefā€¦to find fault.ā€ The uncomfortable truth is that the majority of us find some ā€œjustifiableā€ reason to complain. Whether or not the situation is warranted or not is irrelevant. Complaining…