Tag: insecurity in relationships

  • 6 Habits of Couples That Feel Secure

    6 Habits of Couples That Feel Secure

    Insecurity: uncertainty or anxiety about oneself; lack of confidence. the state of being open to danger or threat; lack of protection. ~ The Oxford English Dictionaries Insecurities are something we all have. Similar to any “weakness,” insecurity isn’t something we like admitting or talking about. Whether our uncertainties stem from money, looks, achievement, or something…

  • 4 Signs Your Partner Is Feeling Insecure

    4 Signs Your Partner Is Feeling Insecure

    Being insecure has been called a green-eyed monster, and when it comes to your relationship, it can be monstrously destructive. Rather than being a sign of deep love and caring, it is a sign of potentially destructive problems in the relationship. A study in the Journal of Interpersonal Violence found that having a high level…