Tag: intuitive definition

  • 10 Things Intuitive People Do Differently

    10 Things Intuitive People Do Differently

    Whether you realize it or not, everyone relies subconsciously on being intuitive when making decisions, because we all are born with this mystical sixth sense. It warns us of approaching dangers, helps us make important choices in our lives, and can guide us in uncertain situations. Some experts believe that our gut instincts are more…

  • 5 Ways to Tune Into Your Intuition

    5 Ways to Tune Into Your Intuition

    Your intuition, commonly known as your gut feeling or inner guide, is an instinct to know something to be true or false without any supportive evidence. In other words, you just know. Scientists believe intuition to be a key component of a human’s operating system. A scientific study looked at intuition and people’s ability to…

  • 5 Signs Your Intuition is Being Blocked

    5 Signs Your Intuition is Being Blocked

    Otherwise known as our “sixth sense,” intuition does, in fact, play a powerful role in our daily lives, whether we know it or not. Do you ever get a bad feeling in the pit of your stomach about something and decide not to go through with something? That feeling is actually your intuition kicking in…