Tag: longevity

  • Science Reveals That Short People May Live Longer

    Science Reveals That Short People May Live Longer

    In the past, most experts believed taller individuals had advantages over short people. They associated tallness with increased health, especially in the formative years when most development occurs. After all, nutrient intake during childhood largely contributes to adult height. So, scientists found that shorter people sometimes suffer from developmental disorders and higher mortality due to…

  • 10 Reasons Why Optimistic Men Live Longer

    10 Reasons Why Optimistic Men Live Longer

    Everywhere you look, you see something about the power of positive thinking. Sure, some men (and women, for that matter) may find this term cliche. But others have embraced this attitude and know it works wonders! No matter what your circumstances, you have the power to join the ranks of those optimistic men. While everyone…

  • Researchers Reveal Drinking Coffee Links to Living Longer

    Researchers Reveal Drinking Coffee Links to Living Longer

    Drinking coffee does a lot more than wake you up each morning–and it might help you enjoy a longer life. Research shows that drinking two to three cups of coffee daily can increase longevity and reduce cardiovascular disease risk. According to the findings, ground, instant, and decaffeinated varieties all produce these benefits. “In this large,…

  • 4 Things That Increase Longevity, According to Science

    4 Things That Increase Longevity, According to Science

    Longevity is often at the forefront of many people’s minds–especially as they age. Scientists are constantly working on getting ahead in the battle with aging. And we’ve done a lot to improve things. People have developed modern medicine, which has significantly increased life expectancy.  We have better living conditions and better social security blankets. Society…

  • Biohackers Reveal 3 Tricks for a Longer Life

    Biohackers Reveal 3 Tricks for a Longer Life

    The term “biohackers” might seem like something from a sci-fi movie. While the idea of biohacking has been used precisely for making sci-fi movies and series, that’s not the only reason it’s suitable. Biohacking is a newer idea that seems to be gaining traction with people looking to live a longer life. Living a longer,…

  • 8 Ways the Universe Reveals Your Life Purpose

    8 Ways the Universe Reveals Your Life Purpose

    Have you ever gazed into the heavens filled with stars at night and wondered why you’re here? If so, you’re in good company. Finding life’s purpose was probably one of humanity’s first questions that still begs an answer. Does your life have purpose and meaning, or is it a random bleep on the Universal radar?…