Tag: mental disorders

  • 7 Signs Your Partner Is Depressed

    7 Signs Your Partner Is Depressed

    Depression is a term often thrown about when we’re feeling down – when things aren’t going according to plan. But behind depressed is much more than just that. Using depression to describe a mood that is fleeting isn’t an accurate description of the disease that, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), affects over 350…

  • This Is For Every Person Who Has Ever Been Depressed

    This Is For Every Person Who Has Ever Been Depressed

    In our society, it seems that more people express they have been depressed than ever before. According to the World Health Organization, an estimated 350 million people globally suffer from this horribly debilitating mental illness. However, just because you or someone you know suffers from depression, does not mean you have to go through it…

  • 10 Things People With Anxiety Wish You Would Do

    10 Things People With Anxiety Wish You Would Do

    Unfortunately, many people in the U.S. and worldwide suffer from some sort of anxiety disorder. In the U.S. alone, approximately 18.1% of people age 18 and older have anxiety, which equates to about 40 million people. If you have never had anxiety, you may not understand what people who do suffer from it go through…

  • 7 Signs of Concealed Depression

    7 Signs of Concealed Depression

    Concealed depression can strike anyone at any given time, but many people keep their feelings hidden. Someone you know could be falling apart inside, but they might appear tough on the outside, so they don’t feel like a burden to loved ones or cause themselves any embarrassment. Depression affects approximately 264 million people of all ages…

  • 8 Signs You May Have Depression

    8 Signs You May Have Depression

    Depression is a serious medical attention that afflicts millions of individuals worldwide. Contrary to popular belief, depression’s symptoms are not limited to feelings of sadness. In fact, the illness encompasses a wide range of symptoms – some of which are described below – that negatively affect everyday life. “In 2014, an estimated 15.7 million adults…

  • 5 Signs You May Have Depersonalization Disorder

    5 Signs You May Have Depersonalization Disorder

    We have more ways to stay in touch now without any in-person contact. However, it can make you feel depersonalized, like you’re on autopilot. If this sounds familiar to you, it could be a sign that you have depersonalization disorder. In an era of automated devices and advancing robotics and electronic gadgets that are supposed…