Tag: mental fatigue

  • 10 Things That Cause Mental Fatigue

    10 Things That Cause Mental Fatigue

    You can often alleviate physical exhaustion with rest. However, only lifestyle changes and easing stress will help when you’re mentally exhausted. You might experience mental fatigue when you’ve been strong for way too long. Your mind can only handle so much stress and pressure before it cracks. The brain was created with the ability to…

  • Study Explains the Likely Cause of Mental Exhaustion

    Study Explains the Likely Cause of Mental Exhaustion

    Many people today suffer from mental exhaustion due to the mounting pressures of modern life. Manual labor can drain your energy from physical exertion, but what about complex cognitive tasks? Thinking for hours can make you feel as much fatigue as running a marathon.  Researchers have found new evidence to explain why thinking causes mental…

  • Exhaustion: Are You Feeling It Too?

    Exhaustion: Are You Feeling It Too?

    Are you exhausted? Do you find it hard to concentrate? Does it seem you are forever struggling onward through the fog, and the very thought of the challenges each day brings makes you want to crawl back under the bed covers and pretend the sun never rose? You’re not alone. Exhaustion is not a new…

  • 7 Signs You Have Mental Fatigue

    7 Signs You Have Mental Fatigue

    Have you ever felt that you couldn’t do it anymore? If so, you’re experiencing the effects of mental fatigue. These extremely tired brain symptoms will sound familiar when you are experiencing a lot of stress and a hectic environment. Everyone’s been physically tired, so we know those signs of fatigue. Mental fatigue is similar, but…