Tag: mindful meditation

  • UConn Study Reveals Yoga Helps in Brain Injury Recovery

    UConn Study Reveals Yoga Helps in Brain Injury Recovery

    A promising new study shows that yoga and meditation may help people with brain injury recover faster. Rebecca Acabchuk, a yoga teacher and post-doctoral fellow at the University of Connecticut, inspired the research. The study was recently published in the journal Applied Psychology: Health and Well-being. Rebecca studied mild trauma occurring in brain injuries while…

  • This Is What Happens To Your Body When You Meditate

    This Is What Happens To Your Body When You Meditate

    We have been bringing the benefits of meditation to light for some time now. Needless to say, we can’t share enough good things about this ancient peaceful practice. Meditation can literally transform your life from the inside out. Better yet, it only requires your willingness and presence in order to get started. Everyone meditates for…

  • 9 Signs You’re Letting Your Ego Run Your Life

    9 Signs You’re Letting Your Ego Run Your Life

    Sigmund Freud, considered to be the father of psychoanalysis, studied a very complex set of theories about the human ego. He surmised the following basic precepts. Psychological problems are rooted in the unconscious mind. Psychological symptoms are the result of hidden (unconscious) thoughts. Most cases of psychological problems are directly attributable to issues during development…