Tag: napping studies

  • Science Explains the Benefits of an Afternoon Nap

    Science Explains the Benefits of an Afternoon Nap

    Read the convincing reasons to enjoy afternoon napping. Stress and fatigue often take center stage in our hectic everyday routines. An afternoon nap might seem like a luxury that’s more frivolous than practical. However, science tells us this relaxing habit could be a key to better health and well-being.  Let’s explore how a brief rest…

  • Research Reveals Napping Preserves Brain Health

    Research Reveals Napping Preserves Brain Health

    If you enjoy napping regularly, you’ll be pleased to know the delightful habit has numerous benefits for your brain. Some might think taking naps is lazy. But certain countries, such as Spain, revere the practice. It’s nice to take a break from difficult mental or physical labor and relax your mind. Our minds and bodies…

  • 9 Reasons to Nap More Often

    9 Reasons to Nap More Often

    Winston Churchill. Margaret Thatcher. Bill Clinton. What do all of published a study these individuals have in common? Yes, they were all heads of state and leaders of their respective countries. They each also indulge in a mid-day snooze. Thatcher told her aides not to bother her between 2:30 and 3:30 pm each day so…