Tag: narcissist

  • 10 Behaviors That Reveal a Narcissistic Mother

    10 Behaviors That Reveal a Narcissistic Mother

    Psychologists and relationship experts provide insights into the telltale behaviors revealing a narcissistic mother. A narcissistic mother often feels entitled, manipulates and belittles others, and lacks empathy. You might experience abuse and volatile behavior from her. And feel like you must give her the attention she wants as a narcissist. A mother like this can’t…

  • Psychology Reveals 10 Signs of NPD Most People Ignore

    Psychology Reveals 10 Signs of NPD Most People Ignore

    Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) is a complex and intriguing mental health condition that affects many individuals. Most people are familiar with the stereotypical image of narcissists. Think of an inflated ego and self-centered behavior. But there are additional signs of NPD in relationships that often go unnoticed. Understanding the nuances of this disorder is crucial…

  • 10 Signs That Reveal a Narcissistic Person

    10 Signs That Reveal a Narcissistic Person

    Among the myriad personalities that exist, one type that often poses unique challenges is the narcissistic individual. Therefore, understanding and identifying the signs of narcissists can be crucial for maintaining well-being and fostering harmonious relationships. At its core, narcissism refers to an excessive preoccupation with oneself, accompanied by a sense of superiority and an insatiable…

  • Study Reveals Why Narcissists Are Usually Physically Attractive

    Study Reveals Why Narcissists Are Usually Physically Attractive

    Most people want to avoid narcissists because of their toxic behaviors and abusive tendencies. However, studies show many physically attractive people have narcissistic traits, so you may find them appealing before they show their true colors. We’re biologically wired to seek out good-looking people because it gives us an evolutionary advantage. Our primitive brains see…

  • Psychology Explains How The Grey Rock Method Can Beat a Narcissist

    Psychology Explains How The Grey Rock Method Can Beat a Narcissist

    The grey rock method is a psychological strategy to protect yourself from narcissists and generally abusive people. Using the gray rock method involves acting indifferent and uninterested during interactions with the manipulative person so they stop bothering you. As you repeat this behavior, they’ll lose interest once they realize the power dynamics have changed. Narcissists…

  • 7 Behaviors of a Vulnerable Narcissist

    7 Behaviors of a Vulnerable Narcissist

    A vulnerable narcissist differs from an overt narcissist because they’re not as attention-seeking or arrogant. They still have the main characteristics of someone with narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) but covertly display them. The vulnerable narcissist usually struggles with low self-esteem and comes across as shy and reserved. Instead of claiming the spotlight, covert narcissists may…