Tag: narcissistic personalidy disorder

  • 7 Behaviors of a Vulnerable Narcissist

    7 Behaviors of a Vulnerable Narcissist

    A vulnerable narcissist differs from an overt narcissist because they’re not as attention-seeking or arrogant. They still have the main characteristics of someone with narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) but covertly display them. The vulnerable narcissist usually struggles with low self-esteem and comes across as shy and reserved. Instead of claiming the spotlight, covert narcissists may…

  • 5 Signs You’re Dealing With a Narcopath (And How To Guard Yourself)

    5 Signs You’re Dealing With a Narcopath (And How To Guard Yourself)

    You’ve probably heard of a narcissistic person or a sociopath, but what happens when the two of these issues combine into one person? Meet the narcopath. It’s a relatively new psychological term that combines the dangerous mix of two mental health disorders that brings both violent and sadistic traits together. Understanding the Narcopath Though the…