Tag: narcissistic personality disorders

  • Psychology Explains the “Dark Triad” Personality

    Psychology Explains the “Dark Triad” Personality

    In the fascinating realm of psychology, the Dark Triad personality is an intriguing and multifaceted concept. This interplay of narcissism, Machiavellianism, and psychopathy contributes to a complex and challenging personality construct. At the heart of this enigmatic triad lies a delicate interplay of self-importance, manipulative tendencies, and a disregard for others’ feelings. Exploring the depths…

  • 10 Signs That Reveal a Narcissistic Person

    10 Signs That Reveal a Narcissistic Person

    Among the myriad personalities that exist, one type that often poses unique challenges is the narcissistic individual. Therefore, understanding and identifying the signs of narcissists can be crucial for maintaining well-being and fostering harmonious relationships. At its core, narcissism refers to an excessive preoccupation with oneself, accompanied by a sense of superiority and an insatiable…

  • 7 Behaviors of a Vulnerable Narcissist

    7 Behaviors of a Vulnerable Narcissist

    A vulnerable narcissist differs from an overt narcissist because they’re not as attention-seeking or arrogant. They still have the main characteristics of someone with narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) but covertly display them. The vulnerable narcissist usually struggles with low self-esteem and comes across as shy and reserved. Instead of claiming the spotlight, covert narcissists may…

  • 10 Behaviors of an Egomaniac (And How to Avoid Having Them)

    10 Behaviors of an Egomaniac (And How to Avoid Having Them)

    Do you know the telltale signs that reveal an egomaniac? Egomania is closely related to another abnormal personality type that you are also probably familiar with: Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD). There are, however, some significant differences between egotism (also called egomania), NPD, and other conditions. Why is this important to mention? Because mislabeling someone can…