Tag: natural remedies

  • 15 Natural Remedies That Can Replace Painkillers

    15 Natural Remedies That Can Replace Painkillers

    When you are in pain, you reach for anything that will help it to go away. But what if your usual over-the-counter painkillers are less safe than a natural remedy that you could easily store in your kitchen? Aspirin, acetaminophin, ibuprofin and naproxen sodium all go by other brand names on the drug store shelves.…

  • This Armpit Detox Helps Prevent Breast Cancer

    This Armpit Detox Helps Prevent Breast Cancer

    Breast cancer can develop close to the armpit area, which raises concerns about commercial skin products for this delicate body part. However, educating yourself about the ingredients in these products can help you avoid them on your next shopping trip. Luckily, we have many natural deodorants, sunscreens, and other products nowadays. Although safety regulations exist…

  • 15 Ways To Improve Your Eye Health

    15 Ways To Improve Your Eye Health

    According to a Gallup survey, seven out of ten Americans wear some type of corrective lenses. 40% of those people have considered laser eye surgery to correct their vision, but this surgery can permanently damage vision, as well as cause chronic dry eyes, and other complications. Instead of opting for a dangerous, irreversible surgery, what…

  • This ONE Ingredient Remedy STOPS Migraines Instantly

    This ONE Ingredient Remedy STOPS Migraines Instantly

    If you’ve ever had a migraine, you know that the pain can be excruciating, and you would do anything to make it stop. Although traditional medicine offers migraine relief, other home remedies exist. So you might not believe how easily this one natural ingredient might relieve your migraine pain. According to the Migraine Trust, 54%…

  • 10 Plants That Work Better Than Pills

    10 Plants That Work Better Than Pills

    Before the advent of modern medicine, ancient cultures used what they had readily available to them out in nature to heal their bodies of various diseases and ailments. They couldn’t go to a pharmacy and pick up anti-anxiety medication or decongestants. Instead, they used their instincts and best judgment to work with plants to heal…

  • 5 Remedies For Insomnia

    5 Remedies For Insomnia

    Unfortunately, many people have trouble falling and staying asleep in today’s world; about 40 percent of adults suffer from insomnia, according to the National Sleep Foundation. Of course, the rising number of people who have insomnia doesn’t come as a surprise when you think about how our society runs today – phone and computer screens…