Tag: neuroscience

  • Scientists Use VR Games to Diagnose ADHD

    Scientists Use VR Games to Diagnose ADHD

    ADHD, or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, remains one of the most commonly diagnosed childhood neurodevelopmental disorders in the U.S. Children with the neuropsychiatric disorder may exhibit symptoms such as inattentiveness, impulsivity, hyperactivity, forgetfulness, and disorganization. They might also have difficulties following instructions and sitting for long periods in class. A child with this mental health…

  • Scientists Use V.R. Games to Diagnose ADHD

    ADHD, or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, remains one of the most commonly diagnosed childhood neurodevelopmental disorders in the U.S. Children with the neuropsychiatric disorder may exhibit symptoms such as inattentiveness, impulsivity, hyperactivity, forgetfulness, and disorganization. They might also have difficulties following instructions and sitting for long periods in class. A child with this mental health…

  • Neuroscientists Reveal a New Theory of Dreams and Why They Happen

    Neuroscientists Reveal a New Theory of Dreams and Why They Happen

    Neuroscientists’ new theory of dreams suggests that we dream to understand our experiences better. Dreams have fascinated humans throughout history, and the question of why we dream remains a mystery. However, new research within the scientific community seems to have gotten closer to the answer. The hypothesis published May 14 in the journal Patterns suggests…

  • Neuroscientists Reveal That Some Brain Waves Are More Than Background Noise

    Neuroscientists Reveal That Some Brain Waves Are More Than Background Noise

    Neuroscientists from the University of Oregon found that seemingly random brain waves serve a unique purpose. Even in restful states, the brain remains active; however, scientists hadn’t explored these background signals much until recently. The recent study in mice sheds light on these signals that continuously hum in the brain’s background. Scientists believe these signals…

  • Neuroscientists Use Brain Stimulation to Increase Cognition

    Neuroscientists Use Brain Stimulation to Increase Cognition

    Researchers have found that brain stimulation may help treat a variety of severe mental illnesses. Neuroscientists discovered that combining artificial intelligence with targeted electrical brain stimulation could enhance cognition. The University of Minnesota Medical School and Massachusetts General Hospital collaborated on the study. The pilot human study included twelve patients undergoing brain surgery for epilepsy…

  • Study Reveals: Eat Chocolate to Boost Brain Health

    Study Reveals: Eat Chocolate to Boost Brain Health

    If you like to eat chocolate (who doesn’t, really), you will love to know that it can actually improve brain function. A study published in the journal Scientific Reports found that healthy adults had improved cognitive performance after consuming cocoa flavanols. 14 out of 18 participants saw improvements in performance on complex tests and recovery…