Tag: pain

  • 10 Signs of an Emotionally Damaged Man

    10 Signs of an Emotionally Damaged Man

    Here’s how a man may hide his emotional pain. The challenges of recognizing and understanding emotional damage can often be shrouded in complexity and ambiguity. In a world where men are frequently encouraged to mask their emotions, the signs of emotional damage can remain hidden beneath a veneer of stoicism and strength. However, peeling back…

  • Doctor Explains 10 Ways to Reduce Chronic Pain (Without Medicine)

    Doctor Explains 10 Ways to Reduce Chronic Pain (Without Medicine)

    Do you suffer from chronic pain? No question – experiencing musculoskeletal pain can be debilitating both mentally and physically. Even mild pain experienced consistently can push the strongest person to their breaking point. And then, to make matters worse, options often offered include substances that can become habit forming and negatively impact an individual’s health…

  • 9 Signs of Lipedema (and How to Fix It)

    9 Signs of Lipedema (and How to Fix It)

    Recognizing the signs of lipedema and knowing potential treatments can help affected individuals manage this condition more effectively. It isn’t always easy to handle, but the right information can encourage you to lead a fulfilling life. Lipedema is a chronic condition involving asymmetrical fat tissue build-up in your arms and legs. This condition is common…

  • 15 Signs of Reactive Arthritis to Never Ignore

    15 Signs of Reactive Arthritis to Never Ignore

    Learn the key signs of Reiter’s Syndrome (reactive arthritis). Reactive arthritis, or Reiter’s Syndrome, happens after a bacterial infection in other body parts. The infection could occur in the intestines, genitals, or urinary tract and might involve Chlamydia trachomatis or bowel infections. During these infections, the body attacks healthy tissue as a defense mechanism. Someone…

  • 15 Behaviors That Reveal an Unhealed Man

    15 Behaviors That Reveal an Unhealed Man

    Most people have experienced trauma, and sometimes an unhealed man carries the pain into adulthood. People often experience barriers when trying to move on and heal from trauma. It prolongs the healing and growth necessary to let go of how the hurt affected them. Sometimes trauma occurs after a stressful event, emotional neglect, excess criticism,…

  • 12 Habits That Beat Sadness Naturally

    12 Habits That Beat Sadness Naturally

    Depression is commonplace today. The overwhelming sadness you feel can be life-altering. Thankfully, you can overcome this sorrow and reclaim your life. While some people cannot function during a depressive episode, many folks have functional depression, a fundamental disappointment in many aspects of life. They go about their life and still work and do everything…