Tag: parenting style

  • 10 Behaviors of Bulldozer Parents

    10 Behaviors of Bulldozer Parents

    The bulldozer parent is a relatively recent parenting style. Much like the heavy machinery that clears vast swathes of land, these parents push aside any obstacle, challenge, or discomfort in their child’s path. While the intention is to create a smooth, unobstructed terrain for their offspring, the aftermath often resembles a barren wasteland. In their…

  • 6 Surprising Things That Make You Unique

    6 Surprising Things That Make You Unique

    The drive to stand out from the crowd and be special and unique is a mighty one. But with all the fantastic people in the world doing incredible things with their lives, you might sometimes feel lost in it all. But have some positive thinking! You’re unique, even when you don’t feel like you are.…