Tag: parenting

  • 10 Behaviors of Bulldozer Parents

    10 Behaviors of Bulldozer Parents

    The bulldozer parent is a relatively recent parenting style. Much like the heavy machinery that clears vast swathes of land, these parents push aside any obstacle, challenge, or discomfort in their child’s path. While the intention is to create a smooth, unobstructed terrain for their offspring, the aftermath often resembles a barren wasteland. In their…

  • 20 Adult Behaviors of Someone Who Had Highly Critical Parents

    20 Adult Behaviors of Someone Who Had Highly Critical Parents

    In the journey of understanding human behavior, it’s essential to recognize the profound impact our upbringing has on our adult lives. One of the most influential aspects of our childhood is our relationship with our parents. Growing up with highly critical parents can leave lasting imprints on an individual’s psyche.  This article will explore and…

  • 5 Benefits of Gentle Parenting (And How to Do It)

    5 Benefits of Gentle Parenting (And How to Do It)

    Gentle parenting offers numerous benefits for both children and parents, but it is also essential to understand potential drawbacks. Many people believe gentle parenting is permissive and does not involve saying no, but that’s not the case. It isn’t about constantly pleasing your child but focuses on empathy, respect, non-punitive discipline, and understanding. A parent’s…

  • 10 Signs That Reveal a Toxic Mother

    10 Signs That Reveal a Toxic Mother

    Dealing with a toxic mother is hard and can leave you overwhelmed or drained. When this occurs, your mother will hurt you, using negative words and behaviors. A toxic mother will mistreat you and have an inconsiderate attitude. It often involves feeling unloved or controlled as a child. You may not have ever felt your…

  • Child Psychologists Describe 6 Signs of a Spoiled Child

    Child Psychologists Describe 6 Signs of a Spoiled Child

    All kids act out sometimes, but there’s a difference between occasional misbehavior and spoiling a child. If you’re wondering whether your child is spoiled, you can look for some signs to give you a better idea. Recognizing this behavior can help you address the issue and prevent it from worsening. The behavior of a spoiled…

  • 4 Keys To Raising an Empowered Child

    4 Keys To Raising an Empowered Child

    Every parent’s dream is a thriving child who grows into a genuinely happy and capable adult. An empowered child is secure in their self-worth and won’t fall victim to bullying or peer pressure.  While the podcasts and parenting books teach how to handle potty training and teething, the resources for developing your child’s character are…