Tag: personality disorders

  • 20 Signs of Quiet BPD to Never Ignore

    20 Signs of Quiet BPD to Never Ignore

    Here’s what most people don’t know about borderline personality disorder. Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) is a complex mental health condition characterized by emotional instability, self-image disturbances, and intense relationship difficulties. While BPD often manifests through overt symptoms, a lesser-known subtype, Quiet BPD, presents unique challenges in diagnosis and recognition. In this article, we take a…

  • 10 Behaviors of Someone With Schizoid Personality Disorder

    10 Behaviors of Someone With Schizoid Personality Disorder

    Schizoid Personality Disorder (SPD) profoundly influences individuals’ behaviors and relationships. People with SPD often exhibit emotional detachment, a restricted range of emotions, and a preference for solitude. They may struggle to form and maintain close relationships, leading to feelings of isolation and loneliness. Communication can be challenging due to their reserved nature, difficulty expressing themselves…

  • 8 Behaviors That Reveal a Hidden Personality Disorder

    8 Behaviors That Reveal a Hidden Personality Disorder

    A personality disorder (PD) refers to persistent, unhealthy cognitive, emotional, and behavioral patterns that negatively affect one’s life. People suffering from these disorders may have difficulty forming and maintaining relationships. They also usually struggle to hold a regular job and display impulsive, reckless behaviors. Also, someone with this mental disorder often displays an unstable, uncertain…

  • 4 Narcissistic Traits That Most People Overlook

    4 Narcissistic Traits That Most People Overlook

    Do you ever get weird vibes from certain people but can’t pinpoint why? Do you think they display negative narcissistic traits? Narcissism is a behavior often associated with an inflated ego. But what if that wasn’t the case for all narcissists? What if certain personality traits are harder to correlate with narcissism? Read on to…

  • Psychology Explains 4 Signs Someone Has Mixed Personality Disorders

    Psychology Explains 4 Signs Someone Has Mixed Personality Disorders

    The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual on Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5) defines personality disorders or mixed personality disorders as patterns of inner experience and behavior that deviate from cultural expectations, cause distress or impairment, and last over time. How many people have personality disorders due to being undiagnosed or misdiagnosed is unknown. However, studies estimate…

  • 4 Self-Care Tips from the Spouse of a Narcissist

    4 Self-Care Tips from the Spouse of a Narcissist

    When people hear that someone they just met is a narcissist, they’ll want to stay away from that person. Being a spouse of a narcissist isn’t easy. Few people want to associate with narcissists and with good cause. Dealing with such people is toxic, and it sucks the life out of you. But spotting narcissists…