Tag: power nap

  • 6 Habits to Help Avoid Afternoon Sleepiness

    6 Habits to Help Avoid Afternoon Sleepiness

    When you visit a workplace mid-afternoon, you’re likely to see many employees in a state of sleepiness as they struggle to keep their eyes open. The infamous nosedive of energy usually strikes you right after lunch. The fatigue and lack of focus can be chronic throughout the week. In most workplaces, a nap is not…

  • 5 Ways to Make the Most of Work Breaks

    5 Ways to Make the Most of Work Breaks

    In a world that moves so quickly and always demands constant high output, it’s easy to forget to stop and smell the roses. In fact, in certain circles, the very idea of taking work breaks seems almost taboo. Some even believe that taking breaks makes them lazy, but that couldn’t be farther from the truth.…

  • How to Take a Power Nap in 5 Easy Steps, and When You Should

    How to Take a Power Nap in 5 Easy Steps, and When You Should

    There’s nothing better than a nice, refreshing power nap. When you were a child, you fought your parents on laying down for an afternoon snooze. However, as an adult, you relish the moments you get to sleep during the day. Did you know that some cultures feel so strongly about the afternoon nap that they…

  • 9 Reasons to Nap More Often

    9 Reasons to Nap More Often

    Winston Churchill. Margaret Thatcher. Bill Clinton. What do all of published a study these individuals have in common? Yes, they were all heads of state and leaders of their respective countries. They each also indulge in a mid-day snooze. Thatcher told her aides not to bother her between 2:30 and 3:30 pm each day so…