Tag: processed food

  • Science Reveals Why You Feel Tired After Eating

    Science Reveals Why You Feel Tired After Eating

    Postprandial somnolence is the scientific term for some people’s shared experience of feeling sleepy after eating a meal. It’s challenging if you struggle to stay awake at work after you eat. It causes you to lose focus and lack motivation. You may be curious about what causes the common health issue of food exhaustion. Here…

  • 9 Reasons To Stop Eating Processed Foods

    9 Reasons To Stop Eating Processed Foods

    “There’s a lot of processed food in America, and I know that can make some tourists who are used to fresh food feel sick.” – Wolfgang Puck Wolfgang Puck is a famous chef and restaurateur that was born in Austria. As a foreign-born food expert, Puck is knowledgeable about the prolific presence of nutritionally-lacking meals…

  • 7 Foods That Are Aging You Too Quickly

    7 Foods That Are Aging You Too Quickly

    According to a report by Transparency Market Research, the anti-aging market in the U.S. is projected to be worth $191.7 billion by 2019. People will obviously pay a high price to keep their skin youthful and radiant, but they often don’t consider that their food choices can make all the difference between dull and glowing skin.…