Tag: raising a child to be motivated

  • 4 Keys To Raising an Empowered Child

    4 Keys To Raising an Empowered Child

    Every parent’s dream is a thriving child who grows into a genuinely happy and capable adult. An empowered child is secure in their self-worth and won’t fall victim to bullying or peer pressure.  While the podcasts and parenting books teach how to handle potty training and teething, the resources for developing your child’s character are…

  • 5 Ways To Raise A Motivated Child

    5 Ways To Raise A Motivated Child

    Raising a child is challenging work! Kids can often behave in ways that defy expectations, give you headaches, and leave you wondering where you went wrong. Raising an internally motivated child is an entire experience thanks to the state of their still-developing brains. It’s a tough job, yes! But you can raise kids with valuable…