Tag: raising a family

  • 10 Behaviors of Bulldozer Parents

    10 Behaviors of Bulldozer Parents

    The bulldozer parent is a relatively recent parenting style. Much like the heavy machinery that clears vast swathes of land, these parents push aside any obstacle, challenge, or discomfort in their child’s path. While the intention is to create a smooth, unobstructed terrain for their offspring, the aftermath often resembles a barren wasteland. In their…

  • 4 Keys To Raising an Empowered Child

    4 Keys To Raising an Empowered Child

    Every parent’s dream is a thriving child who grows into a genuinely happy and capable adult. An empowered child is secure in their self-worth and won’t fall victim to bullying or peer pressure.  While the podcasts and parenting books teach how to handle potty training and teething, the resources for developing your child’s character are…

  • 3 Effective Ways To Deal With Teenagers + How To Strengthen The Bond

    3 Effective Ways To Deal With Teenagers + How To Strengthen The Bond

    Teenagers can be a handful, and they can feel like they’re drifting further and further away, too. It can be overwhelming to see your child behave in new and unfamiliar ways, and you may not know how to handle this at first. But don’t worry – you can navigate these problematic parenting years with positive…