Tag: religion

  • Here’s What Happens to Your Soul in the Afterlife

    Here’s What Happens to Your Soul in the Afterlife

    Survivors of near-death experiences have reported what happened, giving scientists a good idea of what lies beyond. What happens to our soul after death is a mystery that has captivated human thought and spirituality for millennia. Across different cultures and religions, there have been numerous interpretations and beliefs about the soul’s journey beyond the physical…

  • Research Shows How Faith Helps Regulate Emotions

    Research Shows How Faith Helps Regulate Emotions

    In our increasingly chaotic, stressful world, many people look for ways to help regulate emotions and restore peace. A new study found that people who believe in some type of faith use similar emotion-regulation strategies as psychologists. The research showed that religious people try to think about hardship in a positive light, known as “cognitive…

  • 5 Reasons We Need To Take Faith More Seriously

    5 Reasons We Need To Take Faith More Seriously

    According to an article by the Washington Times, 84 percent of the world follows some sort of faith or religion. There are approximately the following: 2.2 billion Christians 1.6 billion Muslims 1 billion Hindus 500 million Buddhists 400 million followers of folk or traditional religions 14 million Jews. Recently, many people have become involved in…