Tag: resilience

  • Parents Who Raise Resilient Kids Do These 10 Things Differently

    Parents Who Raise Resilient Kids Do These 10 Things Differently

    Here’s how some children have such great resilience. In today’s fast-paced and ever-changing world, resilience is a key skill for children to master. Resilience—the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties and adapt well to change—is not an inborn trait. Rather, the most resilient kids have nurturing parents who help them hone their coping skills.  When…

  • 3 Habits That Raise Resilience

    3 Habits That Raise Resilience

    To both manage and process these things while also bouncing back from them, you need to have a healthy amount of the trait known as psychological resilience. The weight of problems, the world, other people’s expectations, and demanding situations can slowly drag you down over time. So, how do you become more resilient? Most people…

  • New Data Reveals Steep Increase In Freelance Workers

    New Data Reveals Steep Increase In Freelance Workers

    Freelance workers have become increasingly common in today’s economy. For decades, most people worked full-time jobs and remained loyal to one company throughout their careers. However, the optimistic notions of job stability and security are long gone. Many employers don’t offer pensions or other retirement plans anymore. Not to mention, fierce competition makes it more…

  • 3 Ways Relationships Can Affect Your Resilience

    3 Ways Relationships Can Affect Your Resilience

    Have you ever noticed that those entering relationships can become weaker? As it turns out, this isn’t an unusual phenomenon at all. Close romantic relationships can cause people to lose some of their resilience! Resilience is the trait of emotional strength. More specifically, it’s a quality that lets you handle problems and bounce back from…

  • 3 Reasons Strong People Move on Without Closure

    3 Reasons Strong People Move on Without Closure

    Cognitive closure is a term referring to a social psychological concept. In essence, closure refers to one person’s desire for an answer or explanation that reduces or removes ambiguity from a scenario or thought. However, you likely heard about closure most when ending a relationship. The former definition is a relatively scientific, expert-agreed definition. But…

  • Scientist Explains How to Manage the Climate Tipping Point

    Scientist Explains How to Manage the Climate Tipping Point

    Scientists have sounded the alarm about a climate tipping point for decades. Previously, they believed that once the climate passed a certain threshold, it would lead to catastrophic, irreversible changes. However, a new study by scientists from Utrecht University found that maybe we underestimated the climate’s resilience. While there’s overwhelming evidence of climate change, their…