Tag: reward success

  • 20 Easy Ways to Reward Yourself for Reaching Your Goal

    20 Easy Ways to Reward Yourself for Reaching Your Goal

    When you set goals, it is easy to let them go when you don’t experience a reward. Taking small steps toward something bigger deserves special recognition, though, so rewarding yourself is essential. When you treat yourself for seemingly small accomplishments, you will feel motivated to keep working hard. You will form new, beneficial habits that…

  • 5 Ways To Raise A Motivated Child

    5 Ways To Raise A Motivated Child

    Raising a child is challenging work! Kids can often behave in ways that defy expectations, give you headaches, and leave you wondering where you went wrong. Raising an internally motivated child is an entire experience thanks to the state of their still-developing brains. It’s a tough job, yes! But you can raise kids with valuable…