Tag: sensitive person

  • 10 Things You Need To Know About Highly Sensitive People

    10 Things You Need To Know About Highly Sensitive People

    We have talked about highly sensitive people before. But if this is your first time hearing the term, here is a quick recap. Before the 1990s, no one had really heard about extreme sensitivity in humans. But in 1991, a psychologist named Dr. Elaine Aron began to study this trait more closely. Surprisingly, she found…

  • 6 Things Sensitive People Do Differently

    6 Things Sensitive People Do Differently

    Sensitive people, or empaths, identify deeply with the emotions and vibrations of other beings, both human and non-human. They can instantly read a person upon meeting them, and have an innate intuition about others. In short, sensitive people can understand other people on a deeper level than most humans. Besides that, their friends and family…