Tag: show kindness

  • 4 Ways to Outsmart Toxic People

    4 Ways to Outsmart Toxic People

    Toxic people can quickly drain you of your energy. But unfortunately, they know just how to get under your skin, and because of their malicious intent, they often find ways to outsmart the kindness of decent, well-intentioned people around them. Trying to play the mind games of a toxic person can be tiring. So instead,…

  • How to Train Your Brain To Show Kindness

    How to Train Your Brain To Show Kindness

    Kindness is one thing prized by every society. But that doesn’t mean that it’s easy to be kind. Even the most moral person alive can snap and act disrespectfully from time to time. Staying positive and kind is hard, mainly because of how society shapes our responses. Sometimes it feels like the entire world can…

  • 20 Ways to Respond to Negative Criticism

    20 Ways to Respond to Negative Criticism

    Nothing hurts worse than when you receive negative criticism from someone you love. Negative criticism in the developmental years can be psychologically damaging, according to Childhood Trauma Recovery. Verbal abuse is sometimes more challenging to overcome than physical abuse, as wounds heal, but words cut deep. Whether an adult or a child, handling such negativity…

  • 31 Habits That Help You Be Kind to Unkind People

    31 Habits That Help You Be Kind to Unkind People

    Life is chaotic, even on a good day. Unfortunately, all the excessive noise can keep you away from the things that matter most. Still, every day provides the opportunity to be kind to others, yet many folks let the chance pass them by. When you become intentional about bringing happiness to others, it will only…