Tag: signs of chronic fatigue

  • 10 Signs You Have Chronic Fatigue (And How to Fix It)

    10 Signs You Have Chronic Fatigue (And How to Fix It)

    Chronic fatigue syndrome, also known as CSF, is a complex illness that affects approximately 17 to 24 million people each year. It can cause a wide array of symptoms, which can vary from person to person. CFS is more than just being tired. It involves a feeling of ongoing fatigue, feeling unrefreshed even after sleeping…

  • 5 Early Warnings of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

    5 Early Warnings of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

    People with chronic fatigue syndrome, or CFS, usually have tremendous difficulty doing the things that many of us take for granted. For example, we probably don’t think twice about getting dressed or driving someplace provided we’ve gotten enough rest. However, this is not the case for someone who is chronically fatigued. CFS is a very…

  • 7 Signs of Chronic Fatigue (And How to Reverse It)

    7 Signs of Chronic Fatigue (And How to Reverse It)

    Can you imagine a constant, tired feeling that doesn’t seem to go away? A 24/7 condition that causes you to feel drained – and nothing you do seems to help? That’s what someone diagnosed with chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) experiences on a daily basis. Unlike most medical conditions, no Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-approved medicine…