Tag: stress reduction

  • Dogs Can Detect Human Stress, According to Study

    Dogs Can Detect Human Stress, According to Study

    Many people have dogs as pets because it’s a well-known fact that they help relieve stress. Nothing compares to the feeling of coming home to a loving, furry friend after a hectic workday. As emotional creatures, dogs can understand subtle changes in how humans feel. They’re insanely attuned to humans since domestication allowed them to…

  • 4 Ways Being Mindful Improves Your Relationships

    4 Ways Being Mindful Improves Your Relationships

    Mindfulness is a hot topic in the world of mental wellness, and tons of research has shown that it is effective for personal happiness, mental health, and growth. But did you know that being mindful can help others, too? Yes, it’s true! Science has found that being mindful benefits, not just you but those in…

  • 12 Reasons a Fresh Perspective Can Reduce Stress

    12 Reasons a Fresh Perspective Can Reduce Stress

    Your outlook on life and attitude toward the world reveal whether you’re an optimist or a pessimist. If you tend to think negatively, it’s a good sign that you need a fresh perspective on life. A new perspective can help you handle things positively and avoid unnecessary negativity. A negative outlook on life can affect…

  • 4 Stress Reduction Techniques Most People Ignore

    4 Stress Reduction Techniques Most People Ignore

    Stress is a massive concern that virtually everyone struggles with, but no one talks about stress reduction. Stress is something that people can’t always avoid, but it’s also so common that it’s become normalized. People see stress as a usual trade-off in life. If you want to have a high-paying job, you’ll have to deal…

  • 4 Mental Health Benefits Of Tree Bathing

    4 Mental Health Benefits Of Tree Bathing

    Tree bathing has been a recent trend in fitness. It is most commonly called “forest bathing,” a translation of “shinrin-yoku,” its original Japanese name. This name translates to “taking in the forest atmosphere.” The Japanese Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries first coined this term in 1982. However, the concept had existed in many cultures…

  • 3 Best Ways To Use Self-Talk To Reduce Stress

    3 Best Ways To Use Self-Talk To Reduce Stress

    Stress is often unavoidable. Most people deal with some stress every day. It’s normal and to be expected, and that’s why so many different stress-management techniques have been touted and researched in today’s world! One of these techniques is self-talk, which is the method of speaking to yourself. Even better, you can use self-talk to…