Tag: stroke risk

  • 15 Ways to Lower Cholesterol

    15 Ways to Lower Cholesterol

    Did your doctor advise you of the need to lower cholesterol levels to avoid a heart attack or stroke? If so, maybe you nodded along, agreeing with the doctor-speak.  And now–here you are. So what is cholesterol, and why does it matter? Cholesterol is the waxy, fat-like material made in your liver. It exists in…

  • Too Much Computer Time Increases Stroke Risk, According to AHA

    Too Much Computer Time Increases Stroke Risk, According to AHA

    A new study reveals that spending excess time doing leisurely, sedentary activities quadruples stroke risk in young adults. The risk is highest in sedentary people–those who spend eight or more hours per day engaged in little physical activity. Researchers define sedentary leisure time as any activity done sitting or lying down. This could include spending…