Tag: sugar addiction

  • 7 Signs You Are Addicted to Sugar

    7 Signs You Are Addicted to Sugar

    Do you think you might be addicted to sugar? Natural sugars are necessary. Added sugars are poison. That’s right, poison. There, we said it. And, you know what? It just happens to be completely true. Does the word poison seem too harsh? Well then, let’s look at the definition of “poison.” The Oxford English Dictionary…

  • 10 Day Sugar Detox (To Reset Your Mind And Body)

    10 Day Sugar Detox (To Reset Your Mind And Body)

    Sugar is most certainly an addictive substance – up to eight times as “addictive” as cocaine; only sugar is not an “emotional addiction,” but a biological one. Those who consume sugar at disproportionately high levels alter the brain’s mechanisms of pleasure and reward. Practically-speaking, they may reach for a stashed soda or candy bar without…

  • 8 Signs of A Sugar Addiction

    8 Signs of A Sugar Addiction

    Your body is powered by sugar. Sugar is the energy your cells use to operate. So, sugar is life. But your body strives for and needs homeostasis, a balance of water, salt, nutrients, and sugar. Too much of any of those things can cause serious biological problems. Your brain is wired to crave sugar. In…

  • 5 Ways To Detox From Sugar Without Making It Difficult

    5 Ways To Detox From Sugar Without Making It Difficult

    For many years, people assumed fat was the culprit for society’s obesity problems. However, that theory has changed, and sugar has become a common cause. You can detox from sugar, but it’s hard if you don’t know how to do it. Research backs the idea that it is sugar that causes high obesity rates. It…