Tag: sugar detox

  • How to Naturally Detox Sugar From Your Body

    How to Naturally Detox Sugar From Your Body

    If you haven’t tried a sugar detox, you might consider it to improve your overall well-being. Did you realize some experts say sugar is eight times more addictive than cocaine? While some scientists disagree with this statement, it’s pretty evident that many people have become addicted to sugar. You can find it in almost any…

  • 10 Causes of a Metabolism Hangover

    10 Causes of a Metabolism Hangover

    A metabolism hangover can leave you feeling drowsy. Sometimes it reflects your health and fitness levels. But it can also occur because of other issues, like eating too much sugar or unhealthy foods. Many people experience a metabolism hangover because of the foods they eat. Your body reacts differently depending on your food choices, potentially…

  • 10 Easy Ways to Detox From Sugar

    10 Easy Ways to Detox From Sugar

    So many things taste better when they’re sweet.  In foods that range from ice cream to coffee, sugar is an ingredient most of us enjoy.  There are so many products that have unnecessary added sugar, however.  For example, spaghetti sauce, canned fruit, juices, cereals, and more have added sugar, usually hiding under different names and…

  • How to Lose Weight In 3 Days On A Sugar Detox

    How to Lose Weight In 3 Days On A Sugar Detox

    A sugar detox can help you lose weight pretty quickly because many foods that have a lot of sugar ALSO have a ton of calories. Therefore, when you eliminate things such as sodas, cakes, ice cream, and most processed foods from your diet, you should see some weight loss. However, you must remain in a…

  • 10 Day Sugar Detox (To Reset Your Mind And Body)

    10 Day Sugar Detox (To Reset Your Mind And Body)

    Sugar is most certainly an addictive substance – up to eight times as “addictive” as cocaine; only sugar is not an “emotional addiction,” but a biological one. Those who consume sugar at disproportionately high levels alter the brain’s mechanisms of pleasure and reward. Practically-speaking, they may reach for a stashed soda or candy bar without…

  • Here’s How Eating Added Sugar Hurts Your Brain

    Here’s How Eating Added Sugar Hurts Your Brain

    It is recommended that humans consume no more than 9.5 teaspoons of sugar per day. Currently, the average American adult consumes 22 teaspoons daily. The average American child consumes 32 teaspoons of sugar each day. – The American Heart Association As you can see, we clearly have a sugar epidemic on our hands, and it…